DerStartupCFO Blog

A Pitch Deck Roadmap: Taking the Expert Financial Advice to Secure the Investment You Need

Your Startup/Fundraising Expert
Sebastian Janus
Your Startup/Fundraising Expert

This article provides tips on how to use a pitch deck to get the investment needed for a business.

Are you trying to pitch to potential investors, but don’t know where to start? A pitch deck is a key tool should be utilized when presenting to investors; however, knowing what to present can be overwhelming.

Having an effective pitch deck goes beyond just a few slides. You need to be able to prefectly explain your value proposition and explain why investors should trust you. It is important to have a well structured presentation, which will give you the best chance of attracting the right level of investment. Here are some tips on how to build a pitch deck roadmap to secure the investment you need:

Craft an Engaging Introduction

Your introduction should explain why you’re on the stage and why investors should trust you. It is important to capture their attention while quickly providing background information and explanations. Decide on the main points of your pitch, the type of investors you’re targeting, and how to best communicate your value proposition. Present the problem you’re solving, both for users and investors, and how it was discovered.

You can tap into investors emotions when you explain why your product matters as this helps to create an emotional connection with your audience. Since the introduction sets the tone for the rest of your presentation, it should be engaging and memorable.

Focus on Results & Partnership Opportunities

Once you’ve established your credibility, you want to highlight the results your product has achieved. Investors like to know that the products or services you are offering are actually achieving results. Therefore, you should spend some time covering the following points:

- Share any success stories

- Demonstrate how customers have been able to grow their businesses

- Present evidence that your product has achieved the results it claims

- Focus on demonstrating return on investment (ROI)

When you present results, you should also highlight the partnerships and potential opportunities investors can be part of. You should show that there are established partners and explore potential opportunities for future partnerships.

Prove Market Potential & Exit Strategy

Investors want to understand the market potential for the product or service you’re offering. You should explain why your product is better than existing products in the market, old and new. Present credible market data and customer research to back up your claim.

You also need to develop a clear exit strategy. Investors need to know when and how they will be able to cash out. Some investors prefer to make money fast while others are ready to wait a few years to get a higher return. Your exit strategy should be well thought out and sound convincing.

Define Your Target Market & Financial Requirements

Investors also want to know who your target market is and how you plan to reach them. Present data demonstrating the size of your market and how you plan to acquire customers cost-effectively.

When you discuss financial requirements, make sure to clearly explain how you will achieve profitability. You should cover topics such as potential exit valuation, cash runway, customer acquisition costs, customer lifetime value and the need for additional investments.

Show Your Traction & Innovation

Investors want to see that you have traction and are continuing to innovate. Show how you’ve been able to grow in terms of revenue or user base since you began. Discuss upcoming innovations such as new products, new channels, and any other growth plans. Show how you’ve already been successful and why the future looks even brighter.

End with a Strong Call to Action

Your presentation should end with a strong call to action, which should include a timeline for when you expect to receive the investment and key dates for updates. Leave ample time for questions and discussion.

If done right, a pitch deck can help you win the attention and favor of potential investors. Don’t miss the opportunity to grow your business, implement the tips presented above and build the pitch deck you need to secure the funding you want.

Sebastian Janus
Dein Startup/Fundraising Experte
Sebastian Janus, "derStartupCFO", ist ein dynamischer Unternehmer mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung, der zwei erfolgreiche Firmenverkäufe geleitet hat. Zusätzlich hat er erfolgreich 90 Millionen Euro für verschiedene Startups aufgebracht. Sebastians Ziel ist es, eine All-in-One-Plattform für Gründer zu schaffen, die umfassende Unterstützung und Dienstleistungen bietet, die sie benötigen.
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