Discover the Groundbreaking Technology of CGD in Their Series A Pitch Deck
About Cambridge GaN Devices
Cambridge GaN Devices (CGD) is a pioneering tech startup that emerged from the research labs of Cambridge University. Specializing in the design and development of Gallium Nitride (GaN) transistors and semiconductors, CGD is reinventing the future of sustainable power solutions. As a revolution in the semiconductor industry, CGD's power devices are fueling modern electronics with impressive energy efficiency.
About the Cambridge GaN Devices PitchDeck
The CGD's Series A pitch deck delivers a compelling narrative about their exclusive ICeGaN™ technology. The pitch deck underlines the considerable gains in energy efficiency, up to 50%, that their GaN devices offer over conventional options. Furthermore, CGD's ICeGaN™ transistors can be operated using standard silicon gate drivers, which adds flexibility and eliminates the need for excessive external interfaces. Numerous highlightable aspects in CGD's pitch deck include the lightness, compactness, and higher operational frequencies enabling improved ease-of-use.
Why Investors Believed in Cambridge GaN Devices?
Investors were convinced to back CGD due to their breakthrough ICeGaN™ technology and the compelling vision represented in their pitch deck. The energy-efficient power solutions presented by CGD have significant implications for the electronics industry, opening up the doors to a future of smaller, lighter, and more efficient devices. Their accolades – such as "Best Demo" at the Innovation Zone of TSMC's 2023 Europe Technology Symposium – offer validation of their innovative tech's value proposition. Investors acknowledged the immense potential that CGD encapsulates, recognizing their capacity to redefine sustainable power sources at scale.