Unlock Trade Finance Potential with Crowdz's Innovative PitchDeck
About Crowdz
Crowdz, a frontrunner in the startup scene, is set to radically restructure the conventional Trade Finance sector. With the power of avant-garde technology, Crowdz performs auto risk assessment on assets at the receivable echelon, proffering crucial insights that facilitate expedient and knowledgeable investment determinations.
About Crowdz's PitchDeck
In their quest for Series A funding, Crowdz's pitch deck expertly clinched an added $2 million. The pitch deck casts light on Crowdz's information-focused marketplace. Companies are given an outlet to post their receivables, thereby obtaining immediate working capital from investors. Crowdz pays special heed to safety, adjustability, and efficacy. With the help of Crowdz's exclusive technology, SuRF, every receivable undergoes thorough inspection and risk rating, constructing a clear-cut and risk-proof atmosphere for all participants.
Why Investors Believed in Crowdz?
In its meteoric rise, Crowdz has proven itself as a game-changer in digitalizing the Trade Finance industry by offering optional investment opportunities and uplifting small and medium enterprises. With a staggering $90 million and counting in funded assets, it's evident why investors consider Crowdz as a robust, promising investment. Their unique approach to risk assessment, commitment to safety and transparency, and drive to empower smaller businesses made them an attractive prospect for savvy investors.