NOAH Berlin 2018 Startups Winners: Company Presentation by Julia Brucher & Lindsay Trombley, KIDSORTED at the NOAH Conference 2018 in London, Old Billingsgate 30-31 October 2018.


Unveiling the Success Journey of KIDSORTED: An Impressive Pitch Deck Case


KIDSORTED, a frontrunner startup in the United Kingdom, is renowned for offering a robust platform to parents for discovering and booking premium activities and events for their children. Aimed to streamline parenting, KIDSORTED is the one-stop solution that consolidates a vast variety of options in a single platform, promoting usability and approachability.

About KIDSORTED's Pitch Deck

The enticing pitch deck served by KIDSORTED underpins their astronomical growth, corroborating their victory in the NOAH Berlin 2018 Startups competition. The deck lays bare their appealing value proposition, illuminating their innovative solutions to the typical challenges encountered by parents in finding and scheduling children's activities. The articulate pitch deck of KIDSORTED reveals their prospective grip over the substantial parent market through a potent enumeration of business models, revenue sources, market opportunities, and upcoming growth strategies.

Why Investors Believed in KIDSORTED?

Backing KIDSORTED as a highly prospective venture, investors were persuaded by the compelling data insights and statistics presented in their pitch deck. The deck substantiated KIDSORTED's prospects to churn out substantial funds to amplify their platform, thereby revolutionizing the method through which parents manage child-centric activities. Coupled with their praiseworthy achievements and recognitions, KIDSORTED's efficient solutions and forward-looking growth strategies paved the way for their credibility as an investment-worthy startup.

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