Unleashing the Power of Anti-Counterfeiting: ScanTrust and its Remarkable Series B Pitch Deck
About ScanTrust
ScanTrust, a pioneer in the realm of anti-counterfeit solutions and traceability compliance, offers remarkable if not groundbreaking solutions. Its secure QR codes, authenticating apps, supply chain workflow apps, and enterprise QR codes have made waves in the industry. With a vision focused on safeguarding businesses and enhancing their operations, ScanTrust works relentlessly to connect with consumers, combat counterfeits, and rectify inventory and distribution discrepancies.
About ScanTrust's PitchDeck
In 2018, ScanTrust paraded its Series B pitch deck, securing formidable funding of $5.8 million. This deck accomplished in vividly projecting the company's core features, pricing pattern, wealth of case studies, and its proficiency in offering anti-counterfeit labeling solutions, EU digital wine labels, and supply chain traceability. The deck was critical in illustrating ScanTrust's solution spectrum including secure QR codes, dynamic landing pages, and comprehensive product and supply chain traceability.
Why Investors Believed in ScanTrust?
Investors saw immense potential in ScanTrust given its innovative and holistic approach to anti-counterfeit solutions. Their belief was not misguided; ScanTrust demonstrated an unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier solutions for businesses, enabling them to protect their products, comply with regulations, and engage customers effectively. The Series B pitch deck strategically encapsulated ScanTrust's competence and solid reputation in the market, further convincing investors of their worth as a valuable asset in the challenging realm of digital security and counterfeit prevention.